Can you kill macrophages by feeding them?

Toufic Renno trenno at isrec-sun1.unil.ch
Fri Apr 15 10:54:19 EST 1994

John Ladasky (ladasky at leland.Stanford.EDU) wrote:
: Greetings!

: 	Just curious... does anyone know of something that a macrophage
: will ingest by endocytosis which can then kill it?

: 	Also, are there any macrophage-derived cell lines?

: 	Thanks in advance...

: 							- John Ladasky

Silica has been widely used to deplete macrophages, presumably by being toxic 
when ingested.  Another way is to inject mice with mannosylated toxin, 
which are phagocytosed (Huitinga et al, J.Exp.Med. 172:1025, 1990).

Don't know about macrophage cell line. 



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