Dear Netters,
We are organising a group discussion here, on Programmed Cell Death
In connection with that, we are compiling (from published works
and personal opinions) a cross section of the opinions of people working
in different areas on the phenomenon of Apoptosis.
Anybody interested in contibuting to that effort is invited to write
in to the E-m address that follows before the 20-th of this month.
E-mail : nevil at
| * |
| Molecular Biology Unit, * Ph. 215 29 71 |
| Tata Instt. of Fundamental Research, * Ext. 2570 |
| Homi Bhabha Road, * Fax 091-22-2152110 |
| Colaba, BOMBAY-400 005 * |
| India. * E-m nevil at TIFRVAX.TIFR.RES.IN |
| * |