Symposium FRONTIERS IN BIOSENSORICS in Potsdam, Germany

Andreas Bohlen bohlen at mail.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de
Sun Aug 7 09:31:32 EST 1994

Ladies and Gentlemen,

the symposium "Frontiers in Biosensorics" will take place at the University 
in Potsdam on December 15-16. Enclosed you will find the preliminary 
programme of the symposium. All lectures will be given in German.

Thursday, December 15, 1994
10.00 am   Opening
           Prof. Dr. Rolf Mitzner
           Rector of the University of Potsdam

           Dr. Jutta Fedrowitz
           Science Center North Rhine-Westfalia, Duesseldorf

10.30 am   Introduction
           Prof. Dr. Frieder W. Scheller
           Inst. of Biochemistry and Molecular Physiology, Univ. of Potsdam

11.00 am   Coffee Break


11.30 am   Screening and characterization of new enzymes for analytics
           PD Dr. Werner Hummel
           Univ. od Duesseldorf / KFA Juelich

12.00 am   Enzyme mechanisms
           Prof. Dr. Martin Peter
           Inst. of Organic Chemistry, Univ. of Potsdam

01.00 pm   Lunch Break
02.00 pm   Imprinting techniques in synthetic polymers -
           new prospects for chemosensors
           Prof. Dr. Guenter Wulff
           Inst. of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry
           Univ. of Duesseldorf

02.30 pm   Single molecule analytics by fluorescence correlation 
           Dr. Carsten Henco
           Erotec Biosystems, Hamburg

           THIN LAYERS

03.00 pm   Thin organic layers
           Prof. Dr. Ludwig Brehmer
           Inst. of Physics of Condensed Matter, Univ. of Potsdam

03.30 pm   Foerster energy transfer and ultra-thin polymer layers as a 
           basis for biosensors
           Dr. Michael Voelker
           BAYER AG, Uerdingen

04.00 pm   Coffee break

04.30 pm   Electropolymers for biosensors, electrochemical microtechnologies
           Prof. Dr. Joachim Walter Schultze
           Inst. of Physical Chemistry and Electrical Chemistry
           Univ. of Duesseldorf

05.00 pm   Polymer layer systems
           Prof. Dr. Moehwald
           Inst. of Physics of Condensed Matter, Univ. of Potsdam

05.30 pm   Microbiosensors
           Dr. Rainer Hintsche
           Fraunhofer Institute of Microsystem Technology, Berlin

06.00 pm   End of lectures

07.00 pm   Reception of the participants + Informal Get Together

Friday, December 16, 1994

09.00 am   Connective protein - anti-body - identification systems
           Prof. Dr. Friedrich Spener
           Institute of Chemo- and Biosensorics, Muenster

09.30 am   Biosensors with modified electrode surfaces for in and ex vivo
           Dr. Gerald Urban
           Inst. of General Electrotechnics and Electronics, Vienna

10.00 am   Integration and miniaturization in the preparation of samples
           Dr. Andreas Menz
           Ciba, Basel

10.30 am   Coffee break

11.00 am   New biosensors for environmental analytics
           Prof. Dr. Hansen
           Technical University Berlin

11.30 am   Commercial biosensors
           Dr. Dorothea Pfeiffer
           BSZ Bio Sensor Technologie, Berlin

Additional programme

o   Information and Technology Transfer
    Cooperation Fair Science-Industry
    Potsdamer Informations- und Technologie-Transfer (PITT) der 
    Universitaet Potsdam

o   Exhibition "Commercial Biosensors"

The participation fee is DM 110,- (students DM 55,-). It includes 
lunch on both days, coffee and sandwiches during the breaks, the 
official reception on the evening of the first day the symposium folder.

The fee for the participation in the Special Exhibition "Commercial 
Biosensors" is DM 200,- for companies. It is free of charge for companies 
sponsoring the symposium.

If you are interested in the symposium, please fill in the form below and 
resend it to us.

Thank you very much in advance for your interest.

Yours sincerely,

  Dr. Andreas Bohlen

Please send the email reply to the following address:
bohlen at hp.rz.uni-potsdam.de

                             EMAIL REPLY

[ ]  I will take part in the symposium "Frontiers in Biosensorics" at the 
     University of Potsdam. Please send me the official programme and the 
     application form of the symposium.

[ ]  I/we will take part in the Special Exhibition "Commercial  
     Biosensors", which will take place parallel with the symposium.     
     [ ]  We would like to present our company, whose main fields 
          of research and development are:             
     [ ]  We would like to present a cooperation project           
          under the headline:                              

[ ]  We would like to sponsor the symposium with a sum of ..... DM. Please
     send us some more information on the event.

[ ]  We are interested in the Cooperation Fair Science-Industry and are 
     especially looking for cooperation partners in the follwing field(s):

[ ]  Regrettably we cannot take part in the symposium but we are interested
     [ ]  information on the symposium "Frontiers in Biosensorics"
     [ ]  contacts with scientists at the University of Potsdam in the 
          following fields of research:
     [ ]  the Department of Information and Technology Transfer (PITT) at 
          the University of Potsdam
     [ ]  biosensorics at the Univ. of Potsdam
     [ ]  the Univ. of Potsdam in general

Academic title:      ........................................
Name:                ........................................
First name:          ........................................
Company/Institution: ........................................
Dept./Branch         ........................................
Address:             ........................................
Postal code + town:  ........................................
Country:             ........................................
Phone number:        ........................................
Fax number:          ........................................
Email:               ........................................


*         Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf            *
*           Forschungs- und Technologie-Transfer             *
*                   Dr. Volker Hempel                        *
*                  Magdalena Schoenfeld                      *
*  Universitaetsstr. 1, Gebaeude 16.11, D-40225 Duesseldorf  *
*  Tel. (0211) 3 11-52 35/-32 65    Fax  (0211) 34 22 29     *
*            E-Mail hempel at uni-duesseldorf.de                *
Any mail to Dr. Bohlen of the University of Potsdam, Dept.
of Information and Technology Transfer should be sent to:
                  bohlen at hp.rz.uni-potsdam.de
He finished working in Duesseldorf on July 31, 1994 and will be 
only available in Potsdam from now on.

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