Activation and/or presentation

Ed Purcell epurcell at UOMHS.edu
Tue Dec 20 10:51:11 EST 1994

In article <3d6non$50v at mserv1.dl.ac.uk>, "RUIZ VAZQUEZ, Elena" <ervazquez at mail1.cti.unav.es> says:
>(second version, the first one may be walking through the cyberspace...)
>I performed a human PBL culture (one hundred, actually).This culture was
>performed in order to test immuno activity of a peptide called Pa. After
>culturing (RPMIc, 5% FCS, 37C, %5 CO2, 24h), I measured cytokine releasing
>with ELISA.
>Results: IL-2, IFNg: releasing. IL-4, TNFa, IL1a, IL1b: no releasing.
>I mean,  this results could suggest Pa is presented and induce cytokine
>releasing by Th1 Tcell. But monocytes, the only  APC available into human
>PBLs, appear not to be activated. 
>I thought  APC activation (in that cytokine releasing) and presentation were
>always together. But seeing  my results my idea seems to  be wrong.
>Could anyone tell me any opinion?
>ervazquez at mail1.cti.unav.es

1) Pa might be crossing-linking receptors on the T cells.

2) It might be behaving as a superantigen.

Suggestion: try assaying nitrite production using the Greiss reaction 
(indirect evaluation of nitric oxide production) on your plate reader.
The monocytes may be affected even if they don't produce Il-1.


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