There has been some talk recently about the purpose of Bionet.immunology.
Here, in case you missed it, is our original "charter".
Discussion leader: Donald R. Forsdyke
Department of Biochemistry,
Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L3N6
Topics of interest would be:
Mechanism of self/not-self discrimination
Evolution and role of MHC polymorphism
Two signal hypotheses
Education of T cells
Education of B cells
T cell and B cell cooperation
G0/G1 switch to activate ICCs (immunologically competent cells)
Mechanisms of ICC deletion or suppression
T cell receptors
B cell receptors
Signal transduction pathways
Parasite strategies to avoid the immune response
Why does not a placental mammal not reject the fetal "graft"
Relationship of heat-shock response to intracellular self discrimination
Mechanism of action of cyclosporine
The acute phase response
Role of fever in infections- positive or negative?