Immunology book

Eric Zorrilla zorrilla at cattell.psych.upenn.edu
Sat Jul 23 17:24:14 EST 1994

In article <30le6oINNmme at jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu>,
Ephraim Fuchs <ejf at welchlink.welch.jhu.edu> wrote:

>Another good immunology textbook, and much shorter, is "Cellular and 
>Molecular Immunology", ed. Abbas, Lichtman, and Pober.  It was published 
>in 1991 and is so a little bit out of date.

The second edition recently came out and is current as textbooks go.

| Eric Zorrilla - Dept. of Psychology  | zorrilla at cattell.psych.upenn.edu     |
| University of Pennsylvania           | 3815 Walnut, Philadelphia, PA 19104  |

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