HSV meningitis

Henry Katz hkatz at nucmed.med.nyu.edu
Wed Mar 9 01:47:22 EST 1994

Could anyone give me references and or groups conducting inquiries into
the following topic:

What are the factors responsible for the retrograde propagation in
normal non-immunocompromised individuals of HSV after an anterograde
topical herpetic lesion outbreak leading to meningitis?

If any interest I can refer you to workers currently treating such a 


|Henry Katz                            |                                     |
|ISCS, Inc                             | email:                              |
|1.212.685.3057                        |      work: hkatz at lehman.com         |
|  Currently on contract at:           |      play: hkatz at nucmed.med.nyu.edu |
|Lehman Brothers                       | voice: 1.212.464.7319               |
|388 Greenwich St                      | fax:   1.212.464.3118               |
|NY NY 10013                           | pager: 1.917.899.1420               |

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