Q: IF 2nd ABs Mono- or Polyklonal?

Gamel Anton CCC_GAME at rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de
Tue Mar 15 06:27:49 EST 1994

High all!

With indirect immunofluorescence double labelling experiments
I have made good experiences using first ABs from different
species and goat polyklonals as 2nd ABs (FITC and Cy3 conjugated)

Now I have to set up a double labelling with two monoklonals
from mouse differing only in the isotype: IgG1 contra IgG2b.
There are lots of conjugated polyklonals that discriminate
IgG1 and IgG2b, what about the cross reactions?

The experiment should show the two antigens in one cell.
There are some monoklonal 2nd ABs (only one red) available.
I suppose  they are much more specific but expensive and all
from rat. Could there occur other cross reactions e.g.
Rat at IgG2b binding to a RatIgG2b at MouseIgG1??

What system should I use monoclonal or polyclonal and are there
other tricks to get good results in this case?

Every comment is appreciated!

Many thanks
Best greetings

    Anton J. Gamel

If possible please reply directly to <CCC_GAME at DULRUU51.bitnet>
:                                : <GAMEL at INFORMATIK.UNI-FREIBURG.DE>       :
:        Anton J. Gamel          : <GAMEL at SUN1.RUF.UNI-FREIBURG.DE>   o o   :
:   ------------------------     : <CCC_GAME at DULRUU51.bitnet>          V    :
:      Look, a Vet on VAX        : <CCC_GAME at RZMAIN.RZ.UNI-ULM.DE>   (,,)   :
:                                : <GAMEL at PATVCL.RZ.UNI-ULM.DE>      -""--  :

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