Researchers list

Enrique Vargas evargas at SPEEDY.COACADE.UV.MX
Tue Mar 22 13:17:15 EST 1994

Dear immunonetters:
	I am interested in obtein a list of e-mail addresses of immunology researchers, more specifically in antibody and immune response research.
	This list exist?
	Thanks in advance. 
* Enrique Vargas-Madrazo           *  evargas at speedy.coacade.uv.mx            *
*                                  *  optional: salazar at redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx *
* Laboratorio de Biologia Molecular       *  Phone number: (28)125757         *
* e Inmunologia Teorica.                  *  FAX number: (28)125757           *
* Instituto de Investigaciones Biologicas *   Universidad Veracruzana         *
*                                         *   Xalapa, Veracruz; Mexico.       *
                   *          POSTAL ADRESS:             *
                   *      Juan de la Barrera 54,         *
                   *  Col. Electricistas,  C.P. 91000    *
                   *      Xalapa, Veracruz; Mexico.      *

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