Blood Donation: Chronic Tooth Pain (problem)

FRANCES L. REW ad502 at freenet.HSC.Colorado.EDU
Sun Mar 27 10:15:22 EST 1994

Recently I volunteered to donate a pint of blood and was refused because
I've had chronic tooth pain.  I explained that I've had this problem 
checked many times without success, but it stays about the same and
has been going on for years.  My most recent blood tests have not
shown an increase in white blood count.

I was told that if there is any infection, there would have to be an
increase in white blood count, and that any patient receiving blood
with an increased white blood count would suffer a great deal more
pain than I'm experiencing because of their weakened condition.

If the medical staff working with blood donations are confident that
this tooth infection could easily be detected in my blood, why is it
that blood tests and x-rays thus far have been unable to detect this

I have a rare blood type, if I ever had a chance to donate, I'm sure
someone out there is having a hard time finding a donor.

Fran Rew
Denver, Colorado
(303) 321-1064

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