Extraction of total RNA from serum

alec at fin.ie alec at fin.ie
Thu Mar 31 13:31:20 EST 1994

Hi there please excuse a post from a non bio person who isnt sure whether he's 
in the right forum
I have been telling a friend about how the Internet is full of wonderfully 
useful information.  
She is working at present on the extraction of total RNA from serum in 
connection with PCR testing for Hepatitis C and would be interested in 
discussing techniques or protocols with anyone else working in the area.  She 
has it working now having overcome a number off difficulties over the last year 
or so.
I'll monitor these groups for a while to check out responses or alternatively 
will forward any email to her.  (If theres enough interesting stuff she should 
be persuaded to join in herself)
Thanks in advance for any offerings

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