Hi Dino,
The saga of the 12CA5 antibody continues. BABCO (Berkely Antibody Co.,
Berkeley California), either let their license on 12CA5 antibody lapse, or
gave it up. Boehringer Mannheim now markets the monoclonal (and gouge for
it if you want my opinion). Now BABCO markets a polyclonal AB directed
against the HA epitope. Their antibody is not much cheaper. Our
laboratory has tested both the monoclonal and the polyclonal. The
polyclonal definitely has higher background in our hands, despite BABCO's
claims to the opposite.
In article <01NOV94.25875696.0067 at VM1.MCGILL.CA>, "DE ANGELIS,DINO"
<BG2Z000 at MUSICB.MCGILL.CA> wrote:
> dear netters:
>> I am looking for an non-mouse anti HAtag antibody (hemagglutinin)
> to do double immunofluorescence with another mouse monoclonal.
> Actually, a biotinylated, digoxigenin or fluorochrome conjugated
> version of 12CA5 would also do the trick. If any of these reagents are
> available, I would be very grateful to hear from you. Thank you
>> Dino De Angelis
> McGill University
> Biochemistry Dept.
> 3655 Drummond St.
> Montreal QC H3G 1Y6