In <39aag5$hh2 at>, R.Oehler at writes:
>In <2EB1660E at>, HurleyD at ("Hurley, David Biol") writes:
>>Hello Bionetters:
>> We are trying to develop an ELISA for measuring porcine
>>(Miss Piggy) immunoglobulin. Our design is: Adhere the detection
>>monoclonal antibody, an anti-Fc, to the plate. Treat with the Ab
>>containing serum and detect with a biotin labeled polyclonal anti-Fab.
>> Any suggestions for increasing the specificity is greatly welcome.
>>Please send them to: Hurleyd at>>>>>Hi guys, this is a test. hopefully this time works!
>>>Rudolf Oehler
>dept. of surgery, research laboratories
>AKH-Wien, 1090 vienna, austria, EU
>phone +1-40400-6979, fax +1-40400-6782
it works
Rudolf Oehler
dept. of surgery, research laboratories
AKH-Wien, 1090 vienna, austria, EU
phone +1-40400-6979, fax +1-40400-6782