Methanol as fixative 2

Goran Sandberg neuro gorsan at ki.se
Fri Nov 4 09:11:29 EST 1994

Has anyone an explanation to the following regular problem with thymus 
cells fixed with methanol and prepared for detection of bromodeoxyuridine 
by immunofluorescence. The technique works fine all the time except 
during the summer months July, August, September. This has occurred for 
several years now. That I suspect methanol is due to the fact that 
another fixative in these cases may replace methanol and with excellent 
results. I have considered the possibility that temperature, humidity or 
air pressure may be different during this time of year, but did not find 
any correlation. We have both hot and dry as well as cold and wet periods 
during summer.


Goran Sandberg                       tel: Int + 46 8 7287039
Dept Neuroscience                    fax: Int + 46 8 370757
KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET                e-mail: Goran.Sandberg at neuro.ki.se
S-171 77  Stockholm, Sweden

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