In article <199411032039.MAA04958 at>, dmullins at wrote:
> We are having trouble finding references regarding IL-14. I would
> greatly appreciate your guidance and assistance. If you have any
> references regarding IL-14, please post to the group or directly
> by e-mail to dmullins at>> Thank you,
>> David W. Mullins
> Virginia Tech
Before it was cloned, IL-14 was called high molecular weight-B cell growth
factor (HMW-BCGF). The person who identified this factor and cloned it
was Julian Ambrus, currently at Washington University in St. Louis. I
suggest you look up some references by him. Good luck.
* Gregory R. Harriman, M.D. ------------------------------- *
* Immunology Section | Internet:gregoryh at | *
* Department of Medicine | Phone: (713) 790-5310 | *
* Baylor College of Medicine | FAX: (713) 793-1445 | *
* Houston, Texas 77030 ------------------------------- *