Question on names of immunoglobins

brett lindenbach saboteur at BORCIM.WUSTL.EDU
Wed Nov 9 18:53:37 EST 1994

BioKen said:  However, the nomenclature originated from the papain digest, in
which there are 2 F(ab) fragments and one F(c) fragment (for complement-binding

$.02: I recently read that Fc stood for the ability of these fragments
to crystallize easily. This is no doubt due to their being much more homogenous
than Fab fragments, especially when working with Abs of a single isotype, but
moreover, Fc regions have a propensity to interact with other Fc regions.
Brett Lindenbach
Lucille P. Markey Student in Human Pathobiology
Program in Immunology
Washington University - St Louis

saboteur at borcim.wustl.edu

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