CD8 clones (+ mycobacteria)

SRESS at uctgsh1.uct.ac.za SRESS at uctgsh1.uct.ac.za
Thu Nov 10 11:06:11 EST 1994

The discussion recently has been on CD8 lines, and their possible
role in TB (see Rachel's recent post-from Barry Bloom's lab).
The problem is that CD8 clones grow very slowly, and are harder to
maintain than CD4+ clones.

Q1: Does anyone know any cloning conditions which would enhance CD8
growth (I believe that IL-7 has been used in viral system, eg.

Q2: Even with T-T hybridomas, the problem was lack of stability of
CD8+ hybridomas-is this still the case?

Q3: Does Rachel Teitelbaum have CD8+ mycobacteria-reactive clones??
Or anyone else??

I would be very interested to hear from people about these questions.

Stanley Ress
Clinical Immunology laboratory
H47 Old Main Bldg
Groote Schuur Hospital and UCT
Cape Town, 7925
South Africa

TEL:INTERN. + 021-7946176
FAX:   "    + 021-4486815
e-mail:  SRESS at uctgsh1.uct.ac.za

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