In article <39bn5p$gik at>, emil2345 at (Soren Vestergaard) says:
>>As I am re-reading the literature on neurotrophic factors I have come to
>understand that NGF also has action on the mast cells. It is widely known
>that NGF is resposable for the differentiation and growing of the sensory
>and symphatic nervous system, but perhaps this trophic molecule also has
>a more generel inpact on the immunological system.
>>If anyone has any input on this I would be very pleased to se some ideas
>put forwards. Thanks.
>e-mail: emil2345 at>DK - Denmark
You might want to look at Thorpe et al. Mechanisms of lymphocyte activation by nerve growth factor.
Ann NY Acad Sci 594:78-83 (1990).