Focus on Microscopy 1995

Jui-Ping Liao liao at acsu.buffalo.edu
Fri Nov 11 11:47:40 EST 1994

                            FOCUS ON MICROSCOPY 95
A joint meeting of
8th International Conference on 3D Image Processing in Microscopy and 7th
International Conference on Confocal Microscopy

April 18-20, 1995
Howard Plaza Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, Rep. of China

                                CALL FOR PAPERS
                              SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM
   Scientific sessions start on Tuesday, April 18, 1995. Original
   contributions will be presented in the following areas:
Confocal microscopy

     * theory of confocal imaging
     * scanning confocal designs: point / slit arrangements, beam
       scanning, direct field scanning (bilateral, tandem)
     * high resolution optical 3-D Microscopy
     * two photon and time resolved fluorescence imaging
     * transfer functions and deconvolution

     * confocal microscopy in-vivo: approaches, problems and prospects
     * 3D imaging for agricultural research
     * fluorescence 3-D imaging in cell biology and neurobiology
     * fluorescent probes, in-situ hybridization
     * 3-D cytometry
     * microstructures of materals, polymers and thin films
     * application in environmental sciences
Near-field microscopy

     * near-field scanning techniques (NSOM, STM, AFM)
     * high resolution DNA - imaging
     * spectroscopy and surface modification
     * combined near-field and confocal designs
Optical tweezers and scalpel

     * instrumentation
     * applications
Electron Microscopy

     * cryo-microscopy
     * low-voltage SEM
     * electron beam tomography
X-ray microscopy

     * theory and instrumentation of x-ray microscopy
     * x-ray sources
3-D imaging processing

     * 3-D reconstruction of histological, optical and tomographical
     * visualization models in 3-D and 4-D microscopy
     * supercomputing in microscopy
     * analysis of serial section images, 3-D scene recognition
     * 3-D image restoration and image quality
   Papers are invited for oral and poster presentation from the fields
   indicated by the scientific program and related areas. Deadline for
   submission of abstracts is December 31, 1994. An extented abstract
   (minimum 700 words and maximum 1500 words) is required for each
   presentation, and will be published as a suplement issue of Zoological
   Studies (ISSN 1021-5506). All text will be typeset by the publisher.
   Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscript in electronic forms.
   Files created from the following word processos are acceptable,
   otherwise, please submit your manuscript in ASCII form (both Mac and
   IBM-PC format). Manuscript can also be submitted by e-mail to: elepcc@
   ubvms.cc buffalo.edu, however, a hardcopy has to be sent by mail (or
   faxed) to the address in USA. A hardcopy is required accompany the
   electronic form.
   Mac Word, Wordstar, Word Perfect, Microsoft Word, Ventura, ASCII
   Figures and photos are permitted, however they have to fit the
   following format specified in the photo and diagram format guide for
   direct photoreproduction. Original photographs (both B&W and color)
   and line drawings are required. If it is possible, authors please
   provide a FAX number to facilatate the transmission of galley proof in
   early 1995. The organizing committee will make a selection of the
   abstracts for oral presentation. By the end of January 1995 authors
   will be notified about acceptance and the final program will be mailed
   to all registrants.
   The Howard Plaza Hotel provides subtantially reduced room rates for
   conference participants of Focus on Microscopy '95. Hotel
   Accommodation at the Howard Plaza Hotel is offered on a first come,
   first served basis. Please refer to Focus on Microscopy '95 for
   qualifying the reduced room rates at booking: (refer to Registration
   Howard Plaza Hotel
   160 Jen Ai Road, Sec. 3
   Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
   Phone: 886-2-700-2323
   FAX: 886-2-700-0729
   The room rate includes 10% service charge, welcome wine, fruit basket,
   newspaper and the use of health club facilities including sauna. Major
   credit cards (American Express, Visa, Mastercard, JCB, Diners Club)
   are accepted at the hotel.
                         REGISTRATION & CONFERENCE FEE
   The conference fee is US$220, which includes, documentation, abstract
   book and refreshments during breaks. A preregistration fee of
   US$180.00, is available when postmarked before January 31, 1995.
                             OFFICIAL AIR CARRIER
   China Airlines is the official air carrier of Focus on Microscopy 95,
   special discount airfare is available through CAL's world wide branch
    Registration, abstract forms and enquires:

N. America and Europe:

Focus on Microscopy '95 c/o Dr. P. C. Cheng
Advanced Micrscopy and Imaging Laboratory
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
State University of New York at Buffalo
P.O. Box. 84
Getzville, NY 14068
Tel and Fax: 716-645-3868
e-mail: elepcc at corn.eng.buffalo.edu

Other nations:

Focus on Microscopy '95 c/o Dr. J. L. Wu
Institute of Zoology
Academia Sinica
Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan 11529
Republic of China
Tel: 886-2-789-9500
Fax: 886-2-789-9503/886-2-785-8059
e-mail: zojlwu at ccvax.sinica.edu.tw


C.P. Chen (Taipei)  G.J. Brakenhoff (Amsterdam)      A.Kriete (Giessen)
C.H. Chou (Taipei)  P. C. Cheng (Buffalo)(Chairman)  C.J.R. Sheppard (Sydney)

P.P. Hwang (Taipei) C. Cogswell (Sydney)             D.M.Shinozaki (London,Cana
W.Y. Lee  (Taipei)  M. Gu (Sydney)                   E.H.K. Stelzer (Heidelberg
H.K. Wu   (Taipei)  V. Howard (Liverpool)            T. Wilson (Oxford)
J.L. Wu   (Taipei)  H. Kim (Rochester)
W.L. Wu   (Taipei)


The Society for 3-D Imaging Sciences in Microscopy, Amsterdam
Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Electron Microscopy Society of China, Taipei, R.O.C.
Life Science Research Promotion Center, NSC, R.O.C.
AMIL, State University of New York at Buffalo, U.S.A.


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