FITC conjugated anti-CD9

Gail Sullivan gws3u at GALEN.MED.VIRGINIA.EDU
Mon Nov 14 13:54:07 EST 1994


I have a reference (J Immunol. Meth. 145:105-110; 1991) which uses a
FITC-conjugated anti-CD9 from Sera Lab, Zurzach, Switzerland to identify
eos mixed with PMN.  Does anyone know an USA supplier of this or a
comparable conjugated antibody to be used on the FACS?

Thank you,


Gail Sullivan
Internal Medicine
Box 385 MR-4 annex
University of Virginia Health Sciences Center
Charlottesville, Va 22908
Fax: (804) 982-0002
Research Interest: phagocyte biology

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