Idiotypic suppresion

Can Kesmir fkican at aix0.kbar.dtu.dk
Wed Nov 9 03:36:07 EST 1994

I am trying to model the idiotypic network. 
The enhancing effects of idiotypic 
interactions are rather easy to understand. 
But I got lost in suppresion. 
I have many articles suggesting different things. 
Is it really suppresor T cells, or feedback mechanisms 
of normal antibody regulation, or something else?

I would really appreciate a fast reply. 

Can  Kesmir

Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition
The Technical University of Denmark
Building 224
DK-2800 Lyngby

phone: +45 4288 2222 ext. 2733 (operator)
phone: +45 4593 1222 ext. 2733 (tone)
e-mail: kesmir at virus.fki.dth.dk

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