Anti-ser/thr phosphorylated proteins

Gene Holowachuk geneh at EARTH.USA.NET
Mon Nov 14 10:54:43 EST 1994

Hi netters,
I know that this was discussed in a thread not too long ago but I was
wondering if someone could refresh my memmory about which antibodies
function best in detecting Ser/Thr phosphorylated proteins and/or
differences. Do these antibodies work in Western blots or is
immunprecipitation the best or only method? We would like to look at
differences in protein phosphorylation in tumor cells under conditions of
growth inhibition. Thanks.

 Gene Holowachuk                    Voice: 607/547-3937
 Research Institute                 Fax  : 607/547-3061
 Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital      email: geneh at research.mibh.org
 Cooperstown, NY 13326                   : geneh at cscns.com

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