Diabetes Shareware

UI Printing & Design postmast at uidaho.edu
Mon Nov 14 22:42:50 EST 1994

To Whomsoever can help.

My Wife has Diabetes and she therefore doesn't take the time to figure out
how much of certain recipes, meals, etc. she should eat to stay on her
diet. co consequently, in order to stay on her diet she eats very boring
foods and doesn't really enjoy eating. I don,t blame her. What I am in
desperate search for is  some software for My MACINTOSH (platform) that I
have heard is available out there somewhere and I very much desire to find
it. It lets the user type in specific recipes and then calculates for the
user what the diabetic exchanges are for  a certain portion of food. If I
can find this software or shareware on the Internet, all our favorite
recipes could be keyed in and we could calculate how much of each one she
could eat and still stay on her Diet. 

Can anyone help me or give me other E-mail addresses of folks I could send
this to who could help me?
I would love to find an FTP site that would have some shareware available
like this.

Thanks Sincerely, Andy Sewell (E-Mail  -  asewell at osprey.csrv.uidaho.edu)

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