Meeting: Molecular bases of immunosenescence

Graham Pawelec olxpa01 at mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Tue Nov 15 07:25:30 EST 1994


The second EUCAMBIS International Meeting on the Molecular Biology of 
Immunosenescence will take place at the Max-Planck Institutes Campus in 
Tuebingen, Southern Germany, from 30.3. - 2.4.1995.

EUCAMBIS (European Union Concerted Action on the Molecular Biology of 
Immunosenescence) consists of a small group of cellular 
immunogerontologists and molecular biologists interested in the ageing of 
T cells and NK cells in the human system (see previous posting to the 

The EUCAMBIS core participants will speak during the plenary session of 
the meeting. They are:

Carlo Bartoloni, Rome
Kurt Schaudt, Tuebingen
Gerard Ligthart, Leiden
Erminia Mariani, Bologne
Chris Paraskeva, Bristol
Graham Pawelec, Tuebingen
Sydney Shall, Brighton
Rafael Solana, Cordoba
Malcolm Taylor, Manchester
Vincenzo Sorrentino, Milan

In addition, a number of other invited speakers will be present, and free 
communications from those interested in participating are welcome 
(abstract deadline 15th February 1995). Total number of participants will 
be limited to ca. 50.

Further details on the development of this program are available on 
request by E-mail at
                          pawelec at mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
or after 1.1.1995 at      graham.pawelec at uni-tuebingen.de

We hope to see some of you in the attractive old University City of Tuebingen
for this meeting in the Spring!

Graham Pawelec, Coordinator, EUCAMBIS

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