Subject: Questions of current technology
Organization: XMission Public Access Internet (801-539-0900)
Hello! I'm doing a bit of research for my Business 101 class on how new
and current technologies are affecting students and faculty in facilities
of higher education. This includes computers, of course, but is not
limited to them as technology includes all new knowledge. We've made up
a list of six questions that we would like to have answered, and if you
could just take a moment to answer them it would be appreciated greatly.
If you would like further information on our findings you can write to me
at my E-mail address and I would happy to get back in touch with you.
Thank you in advance!
1. What are the main problems you see associated with the constant
change in technology from the view of higher education?
2. Do you find it difficult to keep up with the technological changes?
Why or why not? To what extent do you try to keep up (i.e. staying ahead
of the changes, learning on the job, taking classes, etc)?
3. It has been said that four year programs are not as valuable in
today's society because the rate of technological change is approximately
every three years, so by the time a student obtains his or her degree,
it's on past knowledge. Why do you agree or disagree with this statement?
4. How are college level classes changing to meet business' expectations
(i.e. are the colleges changing their curricullum to meet the increasing
technology or are the students responsible to "update" their own knowledge)?
5. Do you feel that schools have the funding to keep up with the
increasing technology?
6. How is this new technology being introduced within the classroom
setting? Are professors accepting the new technology to prepare the
students or are they sticking to their past teaching methods?