Cell Harvester

David Peritt Peritt_d at a1.mscf.upenn.edu
Thu Nov 17 11:25:08 EST 1994

There are several much better systems than the PHD harvester, but much
more expensive.  If you can get your institute to pay you can save
yourself and others a lot of time and money.  There are harvesters that
harvest the entire plate to one small filter which can be read directly
(read no vials, scintillation fluid etc..) using a gas stream detection
system.  We use a Packard instrument I am sure others are out there. 
Think of the time and $ you spend on vials and fluid.  Think of the
disposal cost for this radioactive material!!  With this system you have
one small filter/plate.

Good luck

Subject: Cell Harvester
From: Henry Needham, benhenry at cyberspace.com
Date: 16 Nov 1994 10:41:15 -0800
In article <3adjob$l9t at case.cyberspace.com> Henry Needham,
benhenry at cyberspace.com writes:
>Our lab is going to get a cell harvester (for 3H-Thymidine incorporation
>assay).  I only know one brand of harvester: PHD harvester from Cambridge
>Technology.  I wonder if anybody in the net knows other brands (do you
>like it and how much).  Your info is much appreciated.
>Ben Tjoa, Ph.D.
>Pacific Northwest Research Foundation
>Seattle, WA 98122

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