Information Processing in Cells and Tissues

Ray Paton rcp at csc.liv.ac.uk
Fri Nov 18 05:12:34 EST 1994

++++++++++++ Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers ++++++++++++

 ============= Please Inform Interested Colleagues =================

		Liverpool 6th - 8th September 1995

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together a multidisciplinary group 
of scientists working in the general area of modelling cells and tissues. 
A central theme will be the nature of biological information  
and the ways it is processed in cells and tissues. We hope that 
the workshop will draw together researchers from a range of disciplines
including: Computer Science, Cell Biology, Mathematics,
Physiology, Biophysics, Experimental Medicine,
Biochemistry, Electronic Engineering and Biotechnology.
The workshop is intended to provide a forum to report research, discuss 
emerging topixcs and gain new insights into information processing 
in biological and computational systems.

Subjects areas are likely to include but not be restricted to:

* Cellular information processing systems
* Enzyme networks, Gene networks, Metabolic channeling 
* Second mesenger systems
* Signal Transduction and Cellular Pattern Recognition 
* Automata models 
* Parallel Distributed Processing models 
* Cellular Automata models 
* Single Neuron Computation  
* Biomolecular computing
* Inter-cellular communication, Multi-cellularity
* Information Processing in Developmental Systems 
* Information Processing in Immune networks
* Endocrine-immune-nervous interactions
* Information processing in neural tissue systems
* Information processing in non-neural tissue systems
* Communication and gap-junctions
* Asynchronous processing, MIMD, SIMD and NIMD systems
* Cell and tissues oscillators
* Fractals and Chaos 
* Emergent phenomena and self-organisation

Programme Committee 

Georg Brabant Endocrinology (Hanover)
Michael Conrad Computer Science (Detroit)
Roy Cuthbertson Cell Biology (Liverpool)
Claus Emmeche Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies (Copenhagen)
Mike Holcombe Computer Science (Sheffield)  
George Kampis Ethology and Philosophy of Science (Budapest)
Douglas Kell Biological Sciences (Aberystwyth)
Gareth Leng Physiology (Edinburgh)
Pedro Marijuan Electronics & Informatics (Zaragoza)
Koichiro Matsuno BioEngineering (Nagaoka)
Ray Paton Computer Science (Liverpool)
Hans-Paul Schwefel Computer Science (Dortmund)
Idan Segev Neurobiology (Jerusalem)
Gordon Shepherd Neurobiology (Yale)
Rene Thomas Molecular Biology (Brussels) 
Chris Tofts Computer Science (Manchester)
John Tucker Computer Science (Swansea)
G Rickey Welch Biological Sciences (New Orleans)
Gershom Zajicek Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research (Jerusalem)

Organizing Committee

Ray Paton, Roy Cuthbertson Milke Holcombe and 'Trina Houghton

Submission Details

All authors must submit 4 copies of the full technical
paper by mail or delivery service to:

Ray Paton
Department of Computer Science
The University of Liverpool 
Liverpool L69 3BX


The paper should be in English, double-spaced in 12 point 
using Times or similar font. The paper should be a maximum of
16 pages including the first page. 

The first page must contain: title of the paper,
author's names including affiliations, complete mailing
address, telephone and FAX numbers, email address,
and a 250 word (maximum) abstract.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 	  Friday April 14th 1995
Acceptance Notification:  Friday May 26th 1995
Deadline for final paper: Friday June 23rd 1995


Enquires should be addressed to Ray Paton at the above address or
FAX +44 51 794 3715 or 
email tissues at csc.liv.ac.uk


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