Journal prices dropping?

HMRandMD hmrandmd at aol.com
Mon Nov 21 14:45:30 EST 1994

For those of us concerned about price hikes on all of our the journals,
there may be some hope on the horizon.

I just heard about a relatively new company in Boston,  the Medical
Publishing Trust, that works with scholarly societies to help them move
toward journal self-publishing, cutting back on the costs created by the
commercial publishers.

They say that they want to help get information out more quickly, less
expensively, and to a more broadly distributed audience. They've
apparently also developed some interesting client-server software to help
journal editors manage the peer-review process. Their Internet address,
for those interested,is medpub at aol.com.

Please pass this along to your journal editor-friends and see if we can
stir up some interest.

H. M. Rand, MD

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