Anti p53 and Bcl2 Ab's

beeri at md2.huji.ac.il beeri at md2.huji.ac.il
Tue Nov 22 08:24:48 EST 1994

We are a research lab interested in cellular mechanism related to apoptosis,
and we are dealing primarily wih murine tissue. We are now getting into gene
level mechanisms, and specifically interested in P53 and Bcl2. We area under
the impression that the anti-human p53 and bcl2 antibodies are not
cross-reacting with murine epitopes. We would appreciate comments on wether a
cross reaction can be obtained with a certain brand of antibodies, and if not
were can we obtain anti-rat p53 and bcl2 antibodies.

Thank you,
R Beeri,
on behalf of the Renal Medicine Research lab
Hadassah University Hospital Mt Scopus
Jerusalem, Israel

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