In article <94327.091622FORSDYKE at>,
<FORSDYKE at QUCDN.QueensU.CA> wrote:
>In article <3atgkc$d5j at>, frauwirt at notmendel.Berkeley.EDU (Ken
>Frauwirth (BioKen)) says:
>>>>This argument assumes that the specific epitopes found on the ICC's are at
>>frequencies high enough to be detected. If a given epitope is found only on
>>a single cell, it is unlikely that it will be able to "educate" future ICC's.
>> If, once it has survived the education process, the ICC goes on to
>release "natural antibody", then there should be sufficient epitopes. B cells
>probably release natural antibody. But do T cells shed receptors? I suspect not
>so your point would seem more pertinent with respect to T cells.
>> Sincerely, Don Forsdyke
I do not know how much serum Ig is "natural" antibody, but I think my
argument still applies. In order to consistently delete (or "educate") new
ICC's that potentially react with existing idiotopes, any given epitope must
exceed a minimum concentration. I find it difficult to believe that a
single resting B cell secretes that much natural antibody. Of course, that
is my (rather ignorant) opinion, so evidence to thee contrary is welcomed.
And as far as I know, T cells do not shed their receptors (at least not
Ken Frauwirth (MiSTie #33025) _ _
frauwirt at |_) * |/ (_ |\ |
Dept. of Molec. & Cell Bio. |_) | () |\ (_ | \|
Univ. of Cal., Berkeley Push the button...someone :(