Candida Albicans

Rachel Teitelbaum teitelba at aecom.yu.edu
Fri Nov 25 15:19:32 EST 1994

As far as I was aware, candida albicans is found more commonly in the
female genital tract.  Fungicides are typical cures, and there has been a
ton written up, which you could access by medline.

On 24 Nov 1994, John O'Neill wrote:

> I would be most grateful if someone could post me (preferrable via e-mail)
> as much information as possible on a parasite which lives in the gut, called
> Candida Albicans. 
> Some doctors in Ireland don't seem to recognise it as a disease but rather
> as psychology condition (if that is the correct word to use). So information
> on,
> the causes,
> the effects of the disease,
> possible cures,
> preventive medicine, etc
> indeed anything at all would be very much appreciated.
> Many thanks.
> John ONeill.
> jonll at maths.tcd.ie
> JRONEILL at vax1.tcd.ie

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