Cloning Ab's

Let's Eat!!! hutton_rl at mricd3.apgea.army.mil
Tue Nov 29 10:31:39 EST 1994

From:	hutton_rl 28-NOV-1994 17:00:51.81
To:	immunology at net.bio.net
Subj:	Cloning Ab's

From:	UCX_SMTP 28-NOV-1994 15:30:50.71
To:	hutton_rl
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Date: Mon, 28 Nov 1994 15:30:28 -0500
Message-Id: <94112815302840 at mricd3.apgea.army.mil>
From: hutton_rl at mricd3.apgea.army.mil (Let's Eat!!!)
To: immunology at bio.net.bio
Subject: Cloning Ab's
X-VMS-To: SMTP%"immunology at bio.net.bio"

From:	SOLAR::HUTTON_RL    "Let's Eat!!!" 28-NOV-1994 15:29:24.47
Subj:	Cloning Ab's

      Thanks for your reply.  The agarose trick sounds really easy; I'm going 
to give it a go in the morning.  What brand of agarose do you use with this?  
I've found that SeaKem Gold by FMC is the best in my hands for a combination 
of low running time with good resolution, but I'm worried that your method 
might not work as well with this type of agarose because of its high MP and 
gel strength.  Also, how long at what rpm's do you spin down the agarose, or 
does it really matter?
      As for the Stratagene TA kit, our vector codes specifically for phage 
display so that we can biopan against our soman transition-state-analog after 
we've grown up enough vector with IgG or IgM insert in order to detect it 
using ELISA.  Therefore, we're kind of stuck with our vector, excepting any 
changes we make that don't affect phage display or the insertion sites.

Thanks again,
SPC Hutton

PS  I almost forgot!  I'm in Edgewood, MD on the Chesapeake Bay between 
Baltimore and Philadelphia.  My workplace is the US Army Inst. of Chem. 
Defense.  We work with basically anything that has proven or might prove to be 
useful in protecting soldier against chemical warfare threats on the modern 
battlefield.  We also teach Army doctors and nurses how to care for the 
special health problems associated with chemical casualties.  I've been 
working on this particular project since I arrived here in March 1993.
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To: immunology at net.bio.net
From: hutton_rl at mricd3.apgea.army.mil (Let's Eat!!!)
Subject: Cloning Ab's
Date: 28 Nov 1994 12:32:10 -0800
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