There are three questions that a friend has posed and would like
to see some discussion. Unfortunately, he is not able to access
the Internet, so I am posting this message and will pass any replies
1) Is there in the disciplines of molecular biology, developmental biology,
histology or morphology a general model of intracellular/intercellular
interaction to account for a linear sequence of DNA nucleotides specifying
a three dimensional organism - in other words - How does one relate
the subtle hues integrated when a collection of cells form an organism?
2) Specifically to Immunologists and Oncologists
Can the same processes which function in preventive autosensitization be
exploited by tumor cells to abrogate immune surveillance?
3) How does one account for freedom from morphostatic controls of
transformed, malignant cells?
Mark D. Puterbaugh | Of the thirty-six ways of handling|
University of Pennsylvania | a problem, running away is best. |
School of Dental Medicine -------------------------------------
walter at dolphin.upenn.edumdp.bbs at In the Learning Lab 898-8957