Passive immunization for AIDS patients

Your Name jsm341 at ANIMA.NUMS.NWU.EDU
Fri Mar 31 18:47:30 EST 1995

On 3-30-95 Venthan wrote:
 <Could anybody please send me any information on passive immunisation
treatment of AIDS patients? Is it true that AIDS sufferers are helped by
HIV blood? I heard of an article that suggested that that may be the case
- in the Independant on Sunday 2/10/94.>

        A recent article published by J.J. Lefrere et al. in the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences v.92 p1195-1199 discusses
the results of a randomized study in which asymptomatic HIV-1 positive
plasma was collected and transfused into patients with stage IV HIV
infection (as defined by the CDC).

Jim Martin
Northwestern University Medical School
Department of Medicine-Division of Infectious Diseases

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