T cell deletion in rats with super antigen - sag.txt [01/01]

dr. jack komisar dr._jack_komisar at WRSMTP-CCMAIL.ARMY.MIL
Sat May 20 20:10:09 EST 1995

          I haven't seen papers on in vivo responses of rats to
          superantigens, but here are three papers on the in vitro
          responses.  They are confusing, because some workers find
          that SEB causes strong proliferation of rat T cells, while
          others find weak stimulation and call SEB a
          "supersuppressogen" (in certain circumstances).

          Sellins, et al., Eur. J. Immunol. 22:1931 (1992)
          Ben-Nun, Eur. J. Immunol. 21:815 (1991)
          Herrmann, et al. J. Immunol. 152:4300 (1994).

          The Herrmann paper cites a paper by Gold et al. (J. Exp.
          Med. 179:63, 1994) about clonal deletion of rat T cells
          differentiating in rat-mouse chimeras.

                                           Jack Komisar

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