murine macrophage CD4 expression

antibody antibody at bii.ch
Fri May 26 17:45:14 EST 1995

In article <3q0uo8$u8g at styx.uwa.edu.au>, aredwood at uniwa.uwa.edu.au (Alec
Redwood) wrote:

> Do murine macrophages or DC's ever express CD4?? any help appreciated

to be more helpful than last time to someone asking about CD4 on other than
T cells:

Murine thymic dendritic cells express CD8, but not CD4. In the human
this is opposite, human thymic dendritic cells express CD4, but not CD8.

Thereby some people actually do get "HIV" money resp. grants.

If you need references, just look up something from
Ken Shortman, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Australia; probably
together with David Vremec; within the last two to three years
(hope all of this is spelled correctly this time).

Basically thats all I know from both 'systems', human and mouse.

kirberg at bii.ch

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