In <424pvk$g9p at> user at writes:
> I'm seeking info on characteristics, diagnostsis, and treatment of
> mycoplasma contamination in hybridoma cell lines. I have suspected
> contamination in one of my cell lines since I have had recurrent
> problems with solid tumor production and continually recieve "bloody"
> ascites. The cells, however, grow at a satisfactory rate and there has
> been no drop in MAb performance.
> Suggestions of products and/or protocol would be appriecated.
Yes... I'd like to think I can help.
We use the Stratagene Mycoplasma PCR detection with good results. The
primer annealing may need adjustment(s) per the machine being used. As a
backup, we sometimes use the Gibco BRL detection kit that employs the 3T6
murine cell line but this kit takes nearly 5-6 days before you know the
answer. Ergo, first choice is the St_Gene assay.
As far as treatement goes, we have had good success with the BM_Cycline
treatment kit and if memory serves, it comes from BMB.
I have no affiliation with any of the three companies listed above.
Like my friend, Jim Graham, I abhore kits, but these do work at least in
our hands.
Hope this helps,