In article <4222dp$7tc at>, Tom McGlynn <tjm at> wrote:
>My feeling is this is only treating the symptom and I wonder if there is
>therapy which would improve the immune system itself. His doctor is not
>pursuing any other therapy at this time.
This is exactly the case with hypogammaglobulanemia. (Gods I forget how
to spell it nowadays. *sigh*) It's better to keep the patient alive than
let them die.
Btw, the cause of my lack of gammaglobulin is due to non-maturing B (?)
cells. How to treat that?
Richard Bainter Mundanely | System Analyst - OMG/CSD
Pug Generally | Applied Research Labs - U.Texas
pug at | pug at | {any user}
Note: The views may not reflect my employers, or even my own for that matter.