In <429vat$2on at> jws1 at (Jerry Simecka,
Dept. of Microbiology, Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham, writes:
>>>In a nut shell, I would think that any claims at the present time that
>Mycoplasma fermentans (aka incognitus) is a cause of Gulf War Syndrome
>irresponsible and smacks of "tabloid" science. And
>for anyone to claim that this could be used as a biological warfare
>weapon....just doesn't know anything about the area at all. This is
Wow, another "scientist" who has made up his mind before looking at the
AVAILABLE data, lab-work, etc. Just what we need: more opinions, fewer
facts! Great science!
Were the above opinions/judgements arrived at AFTER looking at Drs.
Nicolson's data? I doubt it! If not, why not? Between the two, the
Nicolson's have about 500 publications in everything from cancer to
gene-tracking, nominated for the Nobel prize, 12 scientific books, and
more! Wouldn't that alone warrant that one would take a look at their
data and procedures before making the above judegements? The data are
available merely for the asking!
At first, as we now find out, there was tremendous pressure from
Washington agencies not to disclose their findings. Then pressure and
true force to prevent the publication of their data. Now these forces
have - to some degree - given up, simply because too many people
alreadty know about it, and declassified material confirmed that
chemical/biological warfare agents had been used.
Just a few days ago a report - - containing all the science, lab-work,
procedures - - was presented to the President's Gulf War committee.
Let's try one more time: read it.
And more:Two other publications by Drs. Garth and Nancy Nicolson have
been accepted for publication: Int Jl Occup Med & Toxicolgy and J Occup
& Envir. Med , both in press.
Again, copies can be obtained by sendinf s.a.s. 9 x 12 envelope ($ 1.60
postage) to: Drs. Nicolson, Texas Univ.
Chairman, MD Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe
Houston, TX 77030
or to:
Dr. Hans J. Kugler
Prev. Med. UP-DATE
218 Ave. B
Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Hans J. Kugler, PhD