Source[s] of anti-heat shock protein [HSP] reagents

Lisa Sedger Lisa_Sedger at darwin.biochem.ualberta.ca
Sat Sep 2 23:13:14 EST 1995

In article <1SEP199511150143 at utkvx.utk.edu>, jtyler at utkvx.utk.edu (John D
Tyler) wrote:

> Can anyone recommend a reliable source of anti-HSP reagents. We are interested
> in using them in some in vitro experiments involving human cellular immunity. 
> Thanx in advance.

There are a number of places where you can get anti-HSP reagents. Try
"StressGen" who are located in Victoria, BC, Canada. They market anti-HSP
antibodies, purified proteins, as well as HSP cDNAs, etc. Sigma also sells
antibodies and I think some purified proteins. I have used the StressGen
antibodies and found them to be very reliable.

Good luck with your search,
Lisa Sedger

Lisa Sedger,
Biochemistry Department,
University of Alberta,
Edmonton. T6G 2H7. Canada.
E-mail:Lisa_Sedger at darwin.biochem.ualberta.ca

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