cell lines not expressing MHC class I molecules

Giorgio Spagnol spagnol at galactica.it
Mon Sep 4 21:32:13 EST 1995

In article <41h99b$6j6 at elaine38.Stanford.EDU> John Ladasky,
ladasky at leland.Stanford.EDU writes:
> Regarding beta-2 microglobulin deficient cell lines:
> Other netters have already suggested Daudi and R1E cell llines.  Also
> for the HCT cell line, which is derived from a human colon carcinoma. 
> original reference is:
> Gattoni-Celli S., et. al., Cancer Res. 52:1201 [1992]
> Hope this helps!
> -- 
> Unique ID : Ladasky, John Joseph Jr.
> Title     : BA Biochemistry, U.C. Berkeley, 1989  (Ph.D. perhaps
> Location  : Stanford University, Dept. of Structural Biology, Fairchild
> Keywords  : immunology, music, running, Green

Check also the human neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-SH. I mean check
because I'm not 100% sure. I do not have the reference now, but if you
want it I'll look up. You can E-Mail me.
Best luck.

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