HELP : Pupura Rhumatoide ??

Chrystele Racine racine at wotan.ens.fr
Tue Sep 5 11:07:50 EST 1995


I'm a biologist and I'm looking for informations about "Purpura
Rhumatoide" disease. I know a child (5 years old) who is affect by this
disease. He's feverish (39°C). He's spotty. Eating is painful for him.
When the spots disappear, new ones rise.
An immunochemist told me it might be an effect of erythrogen toxin !!!?
But I've some questions :
Is this disease frequent ? What are the really differents causes ? Do the
spots are going to disappear definitively ? Do you know a specialist of
this disease in France ?

Thanks in advance for any informations.


Chrystele Racine - 
e-mail : racine at wotan.ens.fr
Ecole Normale Superieure (paris)
"every cloud has a silver lining"

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