PHA stimulation of T cells

psycler psycler at netcom.com
Wed Sep 6 22:15:27 EST 1995

Bronwyn Venus (venusb) wrote:

: Please excuse my ignorance but why are you using feeder cells?
: My collegue is currently growing tcell clones with no feeders.

This is in the way of news to me although I did have a human
clone once to MBP that I just threw in peptide antigen and
the colony grew like weeds. No feeders.  Only once however. 
I'm interested, does your colleague see this frequently?
Can human T cells autopresent? Maybe his T cells are still
effectors and have yet to rest down, but where does the
costimulatory signal come from? If this is real, it is the
cutting edge of human T cell clone maintenance and I would
like to learn as much as possible. Please reply.

T Kendrick

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