Gulf Was Syndrome and Mycoplasma

Mike Davis xdcrlab at quake.net
Wed Sep 6 19:59:32 EST 1995

In article <425qck$a2a at ixnews6.ix.netcom.com>, jrken at ix.netcom.com (James
Kennedy ) wrote:

>.  Induction of a long incubation period chronic disease  would
> seem a poor battlefield strategy. 
Hmmn, imagine all the resources necessary to care for the ill, does it
really seem so poor a strategy.  I recall a strategy to wound the enemy
not kill him.

The.Buffalo.SpringBoard:> http://www.quake.net/~xdcrlab/hp.html
Ultrasnd.Tchnlgy: http://www.quake.net/~xdcrlab/Ultrasound.html

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