Rat probes

Richard Rohan rrohan at world.std.com
Thu Sep 7 14:18:59 EST 1995

ATCC lists rat IL-6 (ATCC37681) and TGF-b1 (ATCC63197).  
Try gopher//culture.atcc.org

Rich Rohan

dshoskes at ucla.edu (Daniel Shoskes) wrote:

>I am looking for a commercial source for Rat DNA probes to be used in
>northerns, specifically for MHC class I and II, IFN-g, TGF-b, IL-6, IL-10.

>Most of the "usual suspects" either don't carry rat anymore or don't have
>the above probes. Any leads greatly appreciated.

>Thanks in advance.

>Daniel Shoskes
>dshoskes at ucla.edu

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