My name is Osquel M. Barroso Herrera and I'm 26 years old. I studied
Chemistry at Moscow State University "M.V. Lomonosov" from 1987 to
1992, when I was graduated with the scientific degree of MSc in
Chemistry with excellent marks. Since March 1993 I have been working
as a junior researcher at the Immuniochemistry Group, Centre of
Molecular Immunology, in Havana, Cuba. Working at this Lab, I have
started a very fast reconversion to Immunological Science,
particularly in the field of tumour immunotherapy.
For this reason, I'm very interested in entry a course leading to an
MSc in Immunology. I think that this kind of course could provide an
excellent opportunity to develop my skills in molecular and cellular
immunology and to enhance my research effectiveness in the field of
tumour immunotherapy.
The main goal of this message is to ask for some help in the "world
of the immunology" to know about some universities, Medical Schools
or Institutes in Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan or Latin America,
which could include in their academic programms such a kind of course
and could accept students fron Third World countries (particularly
from Cuba). It would be very important to know how to contact with
these institutions.
Thanks in advance