(no subject)

jon boyson boyson at primate.wisc.edu
Thu Sep 7 19:53:54 EST 1995

I need references and help from people familiar with alternative 
splicing. I've isolated alternatively spliced cDNAs from a MHC class I 
gene which appear fairly "normal," i.e., they are spliced exon to exon. 
However, I've also isolated a fair number of cDNAs from the same prep 
that are spliced in a rather haphazard fashion, e.g., the middle of one 
exon is spliced to the 3'UTR, others have deletions near intron/exon 

As our lab has little experience in studying splicing, I want to know if 
these are "real," or are they splicing intermediates, or could they be 
experimental artifact (these were all subcloned from RT/PCR reactions 
from total RNA)?  Would we see any difference if we isolate message 
only? Does anyone have an excellent reference on the subject?


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