Andre W. Schram aschram at nedernet.nl
Sun Sep 10 11:40:50 EST 1995

Protein Biotechnology Course held in the Netherlands October 30 - 
November 3 1995

Organised by the BioUpdate Foundation, the Netherlands

Studies of the biochemistry of disease, coupled with advances in 
recombinant DNA technology have led to massive commercial interest in 
the production of highly purified, stable proteins. Apart from protein 
therapeutics, expanding markets also exist in diagnostics, industrial 
enzymes as biocatalysts, veterinary products and molecular biology 

This protein biotechnology course addresses developments in protein 
technology from protein extraction, through the various protein 
purification stages, to their presentation as stable products. The 
respective merits of various methods for protein characterisation and 
quality control are compared, issues of protein stability are treated in 
detail, and topics of current interest, such as protein engineering and 
protein glycosylation are reviewed.

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