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In <42vgh5$og2$6 at mhafn.production.compuserve.com> Patrick R. Jones
<102570.2734 at CompuServe.COM> writes: >
>I am a undergraduate student in biology. Some day I hope to go to
>graduate school in biochemistry. My grades are good enough but I
>am afraid that this may not be enough to get in. I am looking for
>something to set myself apart from the other students. At this
>point I am at a loss on what to do. I have no real resources to
>work on projects in the areas that interest me. Does anybody have
>any ideas? I do have one useful skill. I am a professional
>computer programmer. I don?t mean someone who has taken a FORTRAN
>class and is working as a work-study student, but a 10 year
>application programming veteran in the computing industry. If I
>could use this skill great if not, I don?t care. I need something
>to further my career; something good. Please help!!! I know that
>somebody out there knows of something I could do.
>> Thank you for your time!!!
> Patrick R. Jones
>>-- ><<Evolution isn?t just a good idea. Its the law!>>
>>What do you mean you don't have the resources to work on a project
that interests you? You say that you are an undergraduate student.
Go to one of your professors and ask him or her if you could do a
research project in his/her lab. Can't think of anything more
impressive on an undergrads resume than a publication with his/her
name as one of the authors.
Univ. of Miami<<
RE: Undergraduates appearing on research papers
I am an undergraduate myself, currently involved in neuropathology
research. I hope that I will also have a part in the resulting
publications. I am wondering as to how this could (positively) effect
any future applications to med-school/grad-school? Does something
like this really make a big difference? (even though it might
slightly effect the GPA since there is less time for studying).
Any input from people that make decisions regarding applicants for
med-school/grad-school would be very appreciated.
Robert Kersting
*** "I receive E-mail, therefore I am...." ***
* Robert Kersting *
* E-mail: kersting.pathology at mail.health.ufl.edu *
* University of Florida, Dpt. of Neuropathology *