Question re: rabies

Tim Fitzmaurice tjf11 at cus.cam.ac.uk
Tue Sep 12 03:22:35 EST 1995

On 11 Sep 1995, Ian A. York wrote:
> Nonsense.  The incubation period can range from a few days to a few 
> months.  One of the most important factors is the area that's bitten: if 
> the bite is very close to the brain (eg on the face) the infection can 
> progress more rapidly than if the infection is distal and the virus needs 
> to pass through the peripheral nerves first.
> I don't know the upper end of the incubation period; I believe cases thta 
> have taken 6 months or so from exposure to clinical signs have been 
> documented.  I doubt there is anything much longer than that.
> Ian
I remember of a human case in the UK in mid seventies ('76 springs to mind)
where incubation was over 14months. Most of the cases listed were 6 weeks 
to 4 months with some less and a couple over 6months.

I also remember a coupla quarantined animals that developed after 
release, I think. Certainly one dog.. I'll recheck.


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